Neurosurg Focus 20 (5):E5, 2006 Robert J. Sclabassi, M.D., Ph.D., Qiang Liu, Ph.D., Steven A. Hackworth, M.S.E.E.,Gusphyl A. Justin, M.S. B.M.E., and Mingui Sun, Ph.D. Departments of Neurological Surgery, Electrical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering, University...
Robert J. Sclabassi, Jeffrey Balzer, Donald Crammond, and Miguel Habeych Center for Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring provides a real-time control loop around a system composed of...
Sclabassi Rj, Balzer JR, Crammond DJ and Habeych ME. “Neurophysiological Monitoring: A Tool for Neurosurgery.” Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques, Brain, edited by Sekhar and Fessler, Thieme, Chapter 3, pp. 50-71, 2006. This chapter reviews our approach to...
Krieger DN, Burk G and Sclabassi RJ. “Neuronet: A distributed real-time system for monitoring neurophysiologic function in the medical environment.” Computer, Vol. III, pp. 45-55, 1991. This article focuses on a specific medical application at the Center...
Sclabassi RJ, Krieger DN, Simon R, Lofink RM, Gross G and DeLauder D. “Neuronet: Collaborative Intraoperative Guidance and Control.” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 39-45, 1996. It has long been appreciated that a patient’s...
Simon R, Krieger DN, Znati T, Lofink RM and Sclabassi RJ. “MultiMedia MedNet: A Medical Collaboration and Consultation System.” Computer, Vol. 28(5), pp. 65-73, 1995. The field of Medicine is a natural application for distributed, collaborative multimedia...